A noun is a name.
It can be the name of a person like ‘Peter’.
It can be the name of a country like ‘Britain’ or ‘Spain’.
It can be the name of a food like ‘spaghetti’ or pasta’.
It can be the name of a sport.
Anything that is a name of something is basically a ‘noun.
The different types of nouns.
1) common noun :-
A common noun is the name in general of something for example ‘boy’ or ‘city’.
For instance if you say “There was a boy in the city”, the word ‘boy’ here is a common noun. However the specific name of the boy or the city are ‘proper nouns’.
If we say ‘There was a boy called Michael in the city of Edinburgh.’ We know that ‘boy’ and ‘city’ are common nouns but ‘Michael and ‘Edinburgh’ are proper nouns.
2) Proper noun :-
A proper noun is the specific name of a general thing, so for example country, city, river, planet are ‘common nouns’ but Italy, Madrid, Amazon and Mars are the proper names of a country, city, river and planet respectively.
3) singular noun :-
A singular noun just means that it is referring to one particular thing so for example ‘book’ is a singular noun.
4) plural noun :-
A plural noun refers to more than one thing, so whereas ‘book’ is a singular noun, ‘books’ would be a plural noun.
5) collective noun :-
There are also ‘collective nouns’ are specific names for a group of people, animal or things.
For example, “A class of students”, “A team of football players”, ” A herd of cows” , “A bunch of bananas.” Class, team, herd, bunch are all collective nouns.
6) concrete noun :-
A concrete noun is something you can see and touch like a pen or table.
7) Abstract noun :-
An abstract noun is something you cannot touch or see such as ‘love’, ‘freedom’, ‘tranquility’.
8 & 9) countable and uncountable noun :-
A countable noun is something you can count. For example, ‘There are five chairs in the class.’ You can count the chairs.
However water, air, freedom are uncountable nouns as you cannot count them.
10) compound noun :-
A compound noun is one thing but in its name it has two words. For example ‘driving license’ is one thing but the name has two words. Other compound nouns include, ‘identity card’.
It can also be two words combined together as one word e.g. ‘airport’ which is ‘air’ and ‘port’ put together.