Sheila Birling Character Analysis This is the third in our series of articles on the themes of the play, ‘An Inspector Calls’ and the two, the first two articles can be read by clicking on here. Mr. Birling, a character analysis. Mrs Birling, a character analysis. To read the articles on the themes you can […]
Mrs Birling, a character analysis.
Mrs Birling, A Character Analysis This is the second in our series of articles on the themes of the play, ‘An Inspector Calls’ and the two, the first article can be read by clicking on here. Mr Birling, a character analysis. The role/function of the Mr Birling character in the play. To understand Mrs Birling […]
Mr Birling, a character analysis.
Mr Birling, A Character Analysis This is the first in our series of character analyses of the main characters in the play, ‘An Inspector Calls’. It follows on from our series of articles on the themes of the play and the two, the themes and the characters are closely related and cannot be understood without […]
An Inspector Calls, The Themes: Age
An Inspector Calls, themes: Gender This is the third in a series of articles on the themes of the play, ‘An Inspector Calls’. The first focused on class division and social responsibility and can be read by clicking on here. The second about gender can be read by clicking on here. An […]
“An Inspector Calls” in the British education system.
J.B. Priestley’s celebrated work, “An Inspector Calls”, lives on today as it is being taught in schools across the length and breadth of the United Kingdom. It would be interesting to know if Priestley himself ever envisaged that his work would have such an enduring impact. This is the first in a series of blogs […]