College admissions can be a hectic job if you don’t know how and what procedures to follow. The officers responsible for college admissions generally assess your grades, courses, test scores, essays, extra co-curricular activities, recommendations, and interviews. It is an important task. But, first, you should follow some guidelines to get into the college of your choice and dreams. Then, you can use these rules for your benefit and submit an excellent response to the college applications. Read on to learn more about some of the best seven tips that you should be using to get into the top 10 colleges.
1. Focus on grades
It is no joke that the best colleges worldwide give extreme priority to the marks of your score in your school and college. However, it would be wrong to say that marks don’t matter. Marks matter and they are the best keys to getting into the college of your choice. Do your best to score top grades in your tests and examinations. Try to get the best grades possible, so your application is not rejected based on the marks. Focus on both internal and external examination and give equal priority to both.
2. Prepare for your entrance examinations
The top universities in the world give you admission based on your scores in competitive examinations such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GRE, or GMAT. Therefore, take these examinations seriously and prepare well for them. You must score an acceptable range of marks in these exams so that you get into the college of your dreams. Therefore, take help from preparatory books and applications and give your best in these competitive exams.
3. Improve your writing skills
Devote a significant amount of time to the enhancement of writing skills. First, think and then reflect before you write. Your essays and statements of purpose will fetch you excellent marks if appropriately written. Next, focus on your writing, editing, and rewriting skills. It is the best opportunity to sell yourself and be honest with what kind of a person you are in reality. Ensure that you don’t miss out on any points and keep trying until you ace your written assessments.
You can also get help from your college professors, as they can always provide some valuable insights.
4. Take part in extracurricular activities
Take an active part in all types of clubs and activities in your school and colleges. Keep track of your involvement in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities such as sports, volunteering, and internships. Take up leadership positions and demonstrate growth in these positions and communities. To develop a deep interest in two specific areas as they might get highlighted on your resumes/CVs. These things try to depict your nature to the admission officers that review your applications. The colleges generally prefer a person with a high interest in extra-curricular activities.
5. Ask your favorite professors for recommendations
You need to have two or three strong recommendations from your teachers before you apply for the college of your choice. Let your professors know that you need recommendations for your new college and try to get them before the deadlines. Request them to include all your accomplishments and achievements to get a strong recommendation letter from them. In addition, let your professors know about the roles and activities that you took part in during your college.
6. Stay prepared
The next thing after applying is the interview round. It is a crucial round conducted to check whether you are as authentic as you portrayed in your documents. Again, be confident and speak in clear language. Keep your answers short, crisp, and to the point. Also, tell them about your interests and accomplishments. Speak what you believe in and avoid unnecessary bragging.
7. Stay sorted
Prepare a list of the colleges that you want to get admission into. Do some extensive research and find out some of the top courses that interest you. Then, get organized and stay focused. Make a folder containing all the essential documents needed to apply to the university of your choice.
Follow the tips mentioned above and tricks to stay updated about the process of a college application. Complete all the necessary procedures so that you know what is to be done next. Don’t lose focus and stay organized. You can also ask your teachers to guide you whenever you get stuck. Getting into college is challenging but indeed rewarding. Work hard. All the best!
Author Bio
Abhyank Srinet is a passionate digital entrepreneur who holds a Masters in Management degree from ESCP Europe. He started his first company while he was still studying at ESCP, and managed to scale it up by 400% in just 2 years. Being a B-School Alumni, he recognized the need for a one-stop solution for B-School to get in touch with schools and get their application queries resolved. This prompted him to create MiM- Essay, a one-of-a-kind portal with cutting edge profile evaluation and school selection algorithms, along with several avenues to stay informed about the latest B-School Updates.
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English Made Simple is a website dedicated GCSE English, IELTS Preparation and other things providing useful content to readers all across the world on how to improve their English.